Advanced Study Course/Group

Do you believe that there is more to our lives and our being than what mainstream media and society would have you accept as truth?

Are you looking for the why (origin - past) and the what for (purpose -future) of your life?

Are you in pursuit of the blueprint of reality beyond the the facade of our world?

Let’s have interactive discussion sessions: ask the questions that are burning in your mind, share the things that are in your heart. While no outside person can give us the ultimate answers we are searching for inside, we can inspire each other and create a supportive system of sharing until we move beyond the veil of either black or white.

Where? Live on Zoom

All sessions will be recorded for you to watch again later.

Anyone who is serious about this and is willing to join in a courteous discussion with others is welcome.

Suggested Donation: $25.00
if this is completely out of your range, please make a donation that is affordable to you.

The human race is a stage through which various forms of consciousness travel... Our world is a training system for emerging consciousness. Before we can be allowed into systems of reality that are more extensive and open, we must first learn to handle energy and see through and beyond physical materialization, the concrete result of thought, emotion and action.

When we have come to consciously understand and inner-stand how to handle ourselves responsibly, there is no longer a need to be only consciously focused in this reality. At this time that I am writing this (July 2023) most people’s consciousness in our world dwells within this system while other unknown portions of the greater selves dwell simultaneously within other systems. However, we can expand our conscious horizon evermore to un-enfold and become conscious of the many layers and aspects of being in other systems. The training here serves us to lay the groundwork for ever expanding awareness.

We are responsible for our creations and thus we must train ourselves to create responsibly.

The weapons of destruction are the obvious things that we see. The counterparts are not so evident, and yet it is the counterparts that are important: the self-discipline learned, the control, the compassion that is finally aroused, and the final and most important lesson - the positive desire for creativity and love over destruction and hatred.

Gaining an understanding of the systems of our world - the Minerals, the Plant Kingdom, Water, the atoms, our miraculous body etc. can allow us to begin to gain insight and perhaps more viscerally connect and exchange with these mechanisms and systems, which ultimately are nothing other than reflections of ourselves and all that is within us.

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