Meet the Teachers:

Thomas Ritter:

The Secrets of the Palm Leaf Libraries

April 13, 2 pm - 3 pm EDT

Palm Leaf Libraries of India: According to legend, the library was created more than 5 000 years ago by seven holy Rishis. The Rishis wrote biographies for approximately several million people who would come to ask about their lives and the world. About ten percent of these leaves apply to persons born in India. In the course of centuries, several copies of the original text where done, so that today there are 12 libraries of palm leaves, located in different places of the Indian subcontinent. These palm leaves, approximately 2.5 x 18 inches in size, contain the Akashic Record information of people who come to them one day to ask about their life and their future. In these records one can find all the details of a person’s life, including information about their parents, siblings, life partner, children, profession and certain physical characteristics and possible shortcomings.

Thomas Ritter, Dresden, November 2023:

Many people have become aware in recent years the our ways of doing and being now requires renewal. This renewal process will encompass all areas of life. For example, new professions and new forms of human coexistence will emerge and be tested. At the end of 2024 and the first half of 2025, there is an opportunity to bring about truly great transformations. However, this comes with the danger that the ego-centric ambition will gain the upper hand. This could manifest itself in increasing aggression and destruction. The Akashic Records, which is something like a world memory of all past, present and future events, can provide guidelines for interpretation of the future. The Akashic Records resemble a kind of virtual memory that constantly records things and events that are initialized or changed. This means that the Akashic Records do not inevitably prescribe the course of events. Rather, it is an interactive process, where each individual actively participates in their creative process of life through their thoughts, words and actions in life. In this sense, future interpretations, like the Akashic Records, are merely tools for clarifying causes that lie in the past and have an impact on the present or may yet have an impact on the future. Understanding your own future through a palm leaf reading, which means it accessing the Akashic Records, also means being able to influence this future. Personal, social, political and economic rules are equally impacted by such a reading and the resulting actions taken. All hierarchical and repressive systems, be they traditional or modern, that seek to dominate people through fear and dependency will reveal their ultimate failure. Everything that opposes the flow of transformation and clings to old structures will break away. These changes will make people take responsibility for their lives and their actions. Old patterns of blaming each other will no longer work. Through intuition, creativity, art, spirituality and science, the ancient and truly life giving values of human culture are reborn. In the future, economy, technology and politics should serve people instead of enslaving them in a system that only brings profit for a few. The years 2024 and 2025 mark the final turning point in a long transformation process. The old will finally give way to make room for a new, truly humane society. But since the future arises from the sum of all our thoughts and actions in the past and present, we should always ask ourselves: What have I done today to make the world of tomorrow a little better?

Short Bio: 

Thomas Ritter: knowing your own future is a fascinating prospect. There are said to be 12 palm leaf libraries in India. The fates of several million people are written on these dried leaves of the holly plant in Sanskrit or Old Tamil. A fairy tale from the Orient? I wanted to know exactly. I have been traveling to India since 1993, searching for and finding out about the palm leaf libraries. I managed to get "my" palm leaf handed over so that I could have it subjected to a scientific examination and an age determination. The results of these studies are likely to shake common worldviews. Memories of the future are possible! The Rishis of old did not just record the fates of individual people. They also have left us records of the history of humanity, problems of the present and future development on this planet.

Melanie Waxman:


April 10th, 11:30 pm - 1 pm EDT


  • Shirataki noodle surprise

  • Wild rice with Creamy Beans and Watercress

  • Spicy Seaweed Salad 

Short Bio: 

Melanie Waxman is considered a pioneer in the field of nutrition, macrobiotics, food energetics, and holistic health. She has spent 4 decades practising integrated therapies and has helped clients from all over the world including well-known musicians, politicians, actors and top business leaders. She has written 6 books and has been interviewed for numerous magazines. For the past six years, Melanie has been the nutritional expert at the famous SHA wellness clinic in Spain. Melanie is also a mind, body, nutritional coach. She works with weight challenges, developing healthy food relationships, increasing energy, the wisdom of the body, emotional health, the immune and digestion. Melanie’s approach is acknowledged as down to earth, practical, and realistic, and includes a combination of traditional wisdom, the latest scientific and nutritional research and ancient practices.

Simon Brown:

Feng Shui - Thriving with Change

April 21st, 11 am - 12 pm EDT

Short Bio: 

Simon is the author of Modern Day Macrobiotics and Macrobiotics For Life and a macrobiotic practitioner, macrobiotic consultant and macrobiotic teacher living in London UK. Simon provides online and in person macrobiotic consultations and courses in London. Simon regularly hosted courses for Michio and Aveline Kushi and Shizuko Yamamoto. He now runs a year long macrobiotic certificate courses. He is an accredited member of the Macrobiotic Association and has served as chairperson. Simon was the director of Lucious Organic, a macrobiotic health food shop and cafe in Kensington High Street, for 5 years. Simon is currently working with DiabetaCare in India developing a holistic health coaching service to patients with diabetes.

Bettina Zumdick:

  • Open Discussion Session, April 10th, 1 pm - 2 pm EDT

  • The Secrets of Sea Vegetables and Q&A, April 13th, 3:30 pm - 5 pm EDT

  • Qi Exercise Session, April 21st, 12:30 pm - 1 pm EDT

  • 2 Meditation Sessions, April 13th & 21st, 5 - 5:30 pm EDT

Short Bio: 

Bettina Zumdick’s many years of introspection and inner-standing of the blueprints and patterns that operate our world from behind the scenes can offer a perspective that is perhaps not always a comfortable truth but may shift you to more clarity, a deeper ethic, and a deeper coherence of self. Bettina is a mapmaker—creating new pathways in life and the founder and president of and .

Bettina is a teacher, counselor, humanitarian, and author who is integrating the modern knowledge of the West with the ancient wisdom from the East. With a background in Food Science, Dietetics and Nutrition from the Wilhelms University in Münster, Germany.  With over 30 years of experience in the field of holistic health, wellness, and macrobiotics she has helped many people to regain and retain their health and vibrancy. She is the host and organizer of this event.

Mariana Bergtold:

Thriving with Change

April 21st, 3:30 pm - 5 pm EDT


  • Coconut Crème Panna Cotta with Cranberry Compote,

  • Fried Millet with Basil and Chili Sesame Oil

  • Pickled Beet, Daikon and Green Apple Salad

Short Bio: 

In 2000 I was diagnosed with 4th stage Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.  I studied and applied macrobiotic principals into my life and recovered my health without western medicine interventions.  I have been a chef for 40 years and have changed how I cook based on my macrobiotic education.  I view Food as Medicine and continue to study and learn. *

*Mariana Bergtold has studied with Michio Kushi and many other excellent and teachers and chefs in the Macrobiotic World.

Bob Carr:

DO IN exercises with fascinating explanations of where they originate from and what they do - Thriving with Change

April 21st, 2 pm - 3 pm EDT

Short Bio: 

Bob Carr currently runs a macrobiotic center and organic farm, Wonder Full Life Centrum, in the Czech Republic. A long-time macrobiotic teacher, counselor and shiatsu practitioner, he directed the East West Macrobiotic Center of Cleveland, and was a founding director of the Kushi Institute of Germany and Macrobiotic Center of Munich. Bob has been a presenter at major macrobiotic events around the world. He taught Shiatsu and Oriental Medicine at the Ohio College of Massotherapy and authored The Energy of Food. As editor of the Macrobiotic NewsLetter and coordinator of the International Macrobiotic Teachers Association, he has been actively promoting vibrant health and one peaceful world.